Why is page speed important?

There are many factors to your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). One of them is how fast your page loads. Your website should load in a couple of seconds. So what can slow down your site? There are a number of things that can effect this: Your Host Page Size Image Size External Scripts or […]

What are my visitors doing?

Ever wonder why people leave your website or what they actually look at? Nowadays there are sites like Crazy Egg and Hotjar that can do just that. These sites will show you exactly what your visitors are seeing and not seeing. Crazy Egg shows a heatmap and tracks how far down the page your visitors […]

Website Leads: 7 Key Ways To Generate Online Leads

Your website isn’t something you should configure once and forget about. It has such rich potential for bringing in qualified leads that it should form the cornerstone of your marketing strategy, whether you’re in the ecommerce game or providing some kind of service. But how can you best use your website to attract relevant leads […]